Johnny Saunders

Johnny began dancing at the age of 3 in his family's dance studio in Long Beach, CA. After graduating from high school he set his sights on the East Coast and attended the University of North Carolina School of the Arts.  After recieving his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree he then attended UNC-Greensboro and received his Masters in Dance Education. 
Throughout the years, he has enjoyed dancing the roles as the prince and king in "The Nutcracker" the king in "Alice in Wonderland".  He has enjoyed assisting and now teaching his own classes in Ballet and Contemporary and Acrobatics. 

Contact info

    • Teacher

Classes taught

    • CREATV - BEG - Creative Dance
      Tue - 4:00pm - 5:00pm
    • CREATV - INT - Creative Dance
      Wed - 6:30pm - 7:00pm
    • CREATV - 3 - Creative Dance
      Thu - 6:30pm - 7:30pm